Friday 26 October 2007

Dealing with Critics - Jim Cramer is an arse

So on Jim Cramer's website you can find this nugget of business wisdom:

No! I don't like him [Virgin President Richard Branson] , I don't like his stocks. ... This guy, Branson, he may be cool. The babes may like him. But in my department, the money department, stay away.

Well, first of all at least he does recognise my success with style and women. But he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about with money.

And I'm not the only one to think so... my advisors pointed me to this website of the CXO Advisory Group. They said:

In summary, Jim Cramer's stock market calls since May 2000 have low consistency and average accuracy.

In other words, it's really not a huge surprise that a standard Wall Street guy wouldn't like me. While he probably worked very hard for his University degree, did his time doing analysis of business and all the rest (rarely getting a shag), he really hasn't done anything with his life. Of course he'd be jealous of the billionaire that skipped University, actually built businesses from the ground up and ran them. Jim Cramer just doesn't understand reality. Oh, well.... too bad for him. He's just telling people to stay away from very profitable growing businesses!

Maybe if he apologises I'll introduce him to some of Virgin's flight attendants.

Warm regards,
Sir Dick

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