Friday 7 September 2007

My favourite evening radio show

So whenever I'm in London, I do enjoy listening to my old radio station, Virgin Radio. (I've sold it, but they've bought rights to the name/brand and all.)

It may not be directly mine anymore, but they certainly have the Virgin spirit and style! Sir Dick is proud of them.

But I do enjoy listening to the Geoff show, also featuring Annabel. They have a nightly feature called "Drunk versus Stoned." Geoff and Annabel get a drunk person and a stoned person on the phone and ask them a series of quiz questions. The point? Well, which one affects your mental state the most? Spirits/Ale or a spliff/bong?

"Why are you promoting this show, Sir Richard? Isn't it a bad example for our children?"

Yes, but so was dropping out of school and starting my own magazine, record shop, record label, and damn near everything else I've ever done. And look at where I am! Enjoy it for what it is, a very funny nightly quiz.

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