Monday 17 September 2007

Business Wisdom from Sir Dick

Loyal readers will notice a little something new on the left-hand column: some of my favourite business books. And yes, they're mine. (Well, my thoughts and words. I couldn't actually be bothered to write them down, so I just spoke everything and let my assistants and advisors take care of the rest.)

You think you've gotten yourself into a strange situation? I've been there and done that. Has business boomed for you? Or has it gone bust? Have you had to fight your ground against impossible odds and a cheating competitor (such as British Air, for one)? I've done that all and more.

Remember lads (and lasses), I was building an empire when you were still in nappies. I've built businesses, sold businesses, and teetered on the edge of collapse more times than I wish to remember. And after all of that I wrote a few books to pass some of my wisdom down. It's what people like me are meant to do.

(Will any of you understand it, or take my advice? Probably not. For those that do, will you be as successful as me? Again, no, though you might come close. But it's nice for you to think about, isn't it?)

So check those pearls of wisdom out, and enjoy the warm Virgin glow of Sir Dick, entrepreneur extraordinaire.

Warm regards,
Sir Dick

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